
星期一, 四月 29, 2013

Lc3 Assembly notes


Load the address (not the value) of a Label

LEA R0,Label1 ; Load the address of Label1


When you put a label, the label point to a memory address, The Label is pc offset, you can treat it a as memory address.


Load the value from a label (addres)

LD R1, Label1 ; Load the value stored in Label1 address to R1

ST R2, Label1 ; Store the value of R1 into the address Label1


Load the value from a address, and the address is from a Register

LDR R1,R2,#0, Load the value from the memory where the R2's value pointing to

LD can be rewrite with LDR

For example

LD R1, Label1


LEA R2, Label1 ;store Label1's address to R2
LDR R1, R2, #0 ; Load Label1's value

ST and STR is similar to LD, and LDR

JSR is use to call function
Need to save and restore R7 to a label, then RET can work.

BRnzp ; Branch if last accessed register is negative, zero or positive (uncondition)
BRz ; Branch if last accessed register is zero.
BRzp ; Branch if last accessed register is zero or positive

for example
BRp Label2


Assign a address to Label, reverse the address to this label, and initial the value


Allocate a memory address to NINE, and fill that address with the value 57

ZERO. FILL x0000

NAME    .STRINGZ "hello"

Allocate a address to NAME, and fill the memory with h e l l o , chars.

ARR .BLKW 20 ; assign a address to ARR, and reserve the following 20 address for it.




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