
星期五, 十二月 12, 2014




身和体看似都是指身体, 但其实它们是有区别的。



我们说四肢的时候, 也可以说成肢体,一般不会说肢身。




身内之物估计指的是内脏, 是最重要的器官,毕竟人脚断了人还可以活着,头实在是个例外。


星期四, 十一月 06, 2014

Sophie's learning log

6 Nov 2014

Last few days, I took Sophie outside with her little tricycle. I did this because I would like to do some exercise anyway. She loves outside. I walked quite a lot in the noon time yesterday. When I arrived home, I feel a little bit tired. Laying on the bed with just waked up Sohpie. I asked if she want to go outside with me. She said yes. I then talked to myself that I don't want to go and felt tired today.

Sophie, who understood exactly what my murmur, said that "if you are tired, it's all right" (如果你走不动了,就算了吧)

Eventually, we went outside. Because I was happy that she is so a sympathetic little girl.

星期二, 十月 28, 2014

Send PDF to Kindle

You can send your pdf format books or whatever to kindle by email. Kindle paper white cannot read pdf format. You will need to have "convert" in the subject to convert the pdf to kindle format. If you have kindle fire or other pdf compatible devices and you prefer to read pdf, you can leave the subject empty.

But sometimes, you may notice that the converted pdf is not in normal kindle format but displayed as images. For pdfs that contains images only, this is expected. But for some text base pdf files, this can happen as well. I don't know why.


星期六, 十月 18, 2014

Switch to a different country on kindle

Amazon hosts their websites for different countries separately. You will need to use different domain to login to different shops.

But on kindle, you cannot specify which country you want to login to. For me, I use the same email address to login for all my amazon accounts.

I found that the only way to login to my Chinese account is to set the language to Chinese and register the device again.


星期一, 九月 29, 2014


芥菜是芥菜的变种。 这句话念起来很顺,读起来却怪怪的。
读作: 盖菜是芥菜的变种


星期二, 九月 23, 2014

Sourcetree Git revert crash

Use SourceTree to do a git revert, the source tree crash, then sourcetree doesn't work properly.

Each time I select the reverted commit, sourcetree crash

To fix that, I found following solution

First, reset to previous commit
git reset HEAD^ --hard 
Second, Because I have push the commit, I have to reset that for the remote as well
git push -f

Also, Because I have another local which has pulled the change, I have do this again for that local...


星期四, 九月 04, 2014


人类的本能可以分辨很多东西。 发霉的东西我能可以闻出来, 我们本能的讨厌发臭的东西。因为它们对我们有害。 就是没有文化,没有知识的人也不会去吃发霉发臭的东西,因为他们生理上知道它们有害,而不需要知识上的判断。

好吃的东西通常都是对人有益的。 但是有些并不是, 人类的本能无法分辨所有有害的东西。 这就需要知识来判断了。 因为有人知识的辅助,人类的本能似乎也不那么重要了。 这会不会阻碍人类本能的发展进化呀?


但进化通常是残酷的, 如果达尔文的理论正常的话。 进化需要太多的死亡。 不能本能的分辨毒蘑菇的大多数人要死光。 剩下的少部分人继续繁衍壮大。。。然后为了另一个进化,再死。。。再壮大。。。。


星期五, 八月 29, 2014

HTML table display padding issue

Found a very interesting padding behavior in webview (webkit)

the parent container has this style

    padding: 5px 0 5px 40px;
     width: 100%;
     display: table;

The child style has this style:

     display: table-cell;
     padding-left: 55px;
     vertical-align: middle;

The developer used table-cell style to make the text vertical center aligned. The problem is that the 40px padding on the parent container doesn't reduce the child's width. The child was push out to the right of the container.  Remove the table-cell style will fix this issue, but you lose the vertical center alignment.

To fix this, move the 40px padding to the child, the new style become

    padding: 5px 0;
     width: 100%;
     display: table;

     display: table-cell;
     padding-left: 95px;
     vertical-align: middle;

Why you set padding in two places when you can use one.

BTW, margin doesn't work along with table-cell


星期四, 七月 31, 2014

Ruby doesn't make

C:\Tools\Vim\vimfiles\bundle\commandT\ruby\command-t>ruby extconf.rb
checking for ruby.h... C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/
ruby/1.9.1/mkmf.rb:381:in `try_do': The compiler failed to generate an executabl
e file. (RuntimeError)
You have to install development tools first.
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:506:in `try_cpp'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:931:in `block in have_header'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:790:in `block in checking_for'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:284:in `block (2 levels) in postpone'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:254:in `open'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:284:in `block in postpone'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:254:in `open'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:280:in `postpone'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:789:in `checking_for'
        from C:/Users/ydeng/feng/gre/ruby-1.9.3-p545-i386-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.9.1
/mkmf.rb:930:in `have_header'
        from extconf.rb:33:in `<main>'

C:\Tools\Vim\vimfiles\bundle\commandT\ruby\command-t>set path=C:\Users\ydeng\fen

C:\Tools\Vim\vimfiles\bundle\commandT\ruby\command-t>ruby extconf.rb
checking for ruby.h... yes
creating Makefile



You should be about to see the reason from above set command. The mingw's bin folder needs to be added to the path.


星期四, 六月 05, 2014

MAC OS terminal read .bash_profile instead of .bash_rc

General speaking .bash_profile is for login shell (ssh etc).
.bashrc is for not login shell.

MAC OS terminal app is an exception. it reads .bash_profile for any new terminal window.

星期四, 五月 22, 2014


小宝昨天过生日. 两岁了
今天下午小宝醒后, 无声无息的出现在厨房. 果然长大了.
她以前醒后第一件事就是哭. 然后被抱起.


星期五, 五月 16, 2014





这里说一种, 用来验证发布者。

我们知道, 人民币要由中央银行印的才是真钞。

我现在给你一千万人民币, 还送了你一台验钞机。 你用验钞机一验, 全是真币。。。你高兴了。。。

但你惨了, 那验钞机是我做的,它验我的假币当然都说是真的。


那怎么知道验抄机是假的呢? 那就牵扯到公证机构了。

现在你收到一叠假币, 和一个假验钞机。 假币上的防伪标记是我做的。 验钞机也是我做的。 但是你知道,验抄机上也是有防伪标记的, 验钞机上写着"此验钞机是真的-中央银行认证"。

好了, 你正好有一个验钞机验证器, 是从可靠的来源获得的。 于是你验证了一下这个验钞机。。。它妈的, 原来是假货。 于是, 你认定这叠钞票是假的。 如果验证出这个验钞机是真的, 那说明这些抄票是由中央银行授权的机构生产, 也是真钞。

这个验钞机上的防伪标记就相当于公证机构的私钥。 而那个验钞机验证器就是公证机构的公钥了。 公钥机构的公钥 (ROOT CA)一般在操作系统里已经带了。 是可靠的, 当然, 病毒软件也可以安装一些不可靠的公钥进去。

总的来说, 一个证书(CERT),就是由公证机构用私钥签过名的你的公钥。 公证机构证明,这个公钥的确是你发布的。 所以证书不是公钥, 证书里包含公钥。


星期三, 五月 14, 2014

git server on mac os over ssh

To set up git server on mac over ssh, you don't need extra tools. You will need ssh + git.

Once you set up a git repository on the server. 

you can git clone it over ssh.

But I got this problem:

1. git-upload-pack cannot be found

bash: git-upload-pack: command not found
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.


The ssh environment is different to terminal. The PATH has different value which doesn't contains git's path.


add a .bashrc file in the home folder. and add this lines

export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH

2.  Symbol not found

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
  Referenced from: /usr/local/git/bin/git-upload-pack
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: ___strlcpy_chk
  Referenced from: /usr/local/git/bin/git-upload-pack
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Then I cannot resolve this issue. (should be able to resolve by the path as well)

Then I installed the xcode command line tool... and delete the bashrc. The problem gone...

So... the solution is install xcode command line tool.

Because xcode command line tool will install another version of git under /usr/bin folder. 

The git environment before is under /usr/local/git/bin, this version don't need to set the path.


星期三, 四月 30, 2014

use xpath to extract web info in google chrome console


var a = $x('//b[contains(., "人均")]/text()')

星期一, 四月 21, 2014

快速选择dropbox 的重复图片

因为把两个DROPBOX的 camera upload 文件合并了, 有不少重复的文件, dropbox 在重复的文件名后面加了 (1), 所以可以很容易看出重复的文件. 

但是有一百多个文件, 手工一个个找出来不容易, 于是写了段代码把不重复的文件隐藏起来.

在浏览器的命令行输入以下代码, 把正常的文件名藏起. 然后剩下的全是重复的, 就按住CONTROL键点选, 然后删除就可以了. 只是免了翻页寻找的过程. 并不能帮你选起.

注意, 不能用SHFIT键多选, 因为这样会选到藏起来的那些文件.

function(index, elem){
if (!/\(1\)/.test(jQuery(this).html())){


星期三, 四月 09, 2014

YuFeng Deng's invitation is awaiting your response

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YuFeng Deng
YuFeng Deng
Senior Software Developer @ MCom (Now Fiserv) - Doing Mobile, Web and Platform developments
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星期三, 四月 02, 2014

YuFeng Deng's invitation is awaiting your response

YuFeng Deng would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?
YuFeng Deng
YuFeng Deng
Senior Software Developer @ MCom (Now Fiserv) - Doing Mobile, Web and Platform developments
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© 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

星期二, 四月 01, 2014

regex, how look behind work

Look behind doesn't take space either

Look this example


it will only match abcabc

the matched string is bcabc

how to read this regex?

Remove the look behind first

it becomes bc.bc

OK, this will match quite a few string, like dbcebc

but, remember we have look behind, that means, before first bc, it must be an a, before second bc, it must be another a there. so....

only abcabc will match.

Look behind add another layer of restriction. easy?


Regex "And" operation

Regex "Or" operation is obvious.

This is a example


This will match abc or 123. 

But how do you do a regex "and"

You may write something like this:


Wrong, this is totally wrong. There is not "&" operator in regex.

Is it possible to do an "And" operation in regex? 

The answer is "YES".

That leads us to the power regex look around feature. 

For "And" operation, what we need is the positive look ahead.


Have a look example above. 

Look head matches, but doesn't take space, That means, the regex after the look ahead will start matching from the beginning as well.

In this example, the only matched string will be Abcd5234. 



Because this string must match ^(?=.*[A-Z].*), means at least 1 Capital letter. 
Also, it must match (?=.*[a-z].*), one lowercase letter. 
Also, it must match (?=.*?[0-9].*), one number
and lastly, it must match [^1]*, no "1" included.


星期一, 三月 31, 2014

Re: 批量删除iphone/ipad 上的照片

如果要删除photo stream 里的照片, 要在 settings -> general -> icloud -> photo 里面把 photo stream 关了。

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 8:27 AM, feng <fengnz@gmail.com> wrote:

于是第一个想到的是itune, 然后想到iphoto

其实最简单的方法在下面,居然是 preview

 figured it out, it works on the iphone 2G but i think it will work for the newer iphones too.


This is what i did


-connected my iphone to my mac

-open preview

-file > import from iphone

-command + A to select all photos

-hit the delete symbol on the bottom


then it just deleted all photos that were taken from my camera roll.


实验结果, 只删除了Camera Roll 里的文件, Photo Stream 没有被影响。 不过空间出来好多了。



批量删除iphone/ipad 上的照片


于是第一个想到的是itune, 然后想到iphoto

其实最简单的方法在下面,居然是 preview

 figured it out, it works on the iphone 2G but i think it will work for the newer iphones too.


This is what i did


-connected my iphone to my mac

-open preview

-file > import from iphone

-command + A to select all photos

-hit the delete symbol on the bottom


then it just deleted all photos that were taken from my camera roll.


实验结果, 只删除了Camera Roll 里的文件, Photo Stream 没有被影响。 不过空间出来好多了。


星期五, 三月 28, 2014





反正网上的方法全用上了, 板栗里面那层皮还是剥不动.

外面那层皮好剥, 水泡过更好剥.

里面那层皮不管是微波, 盐水泡, 盐水煮 全不管用.


这个方法之前用过不好用, 后来怕坏了, 放在冰箱冷藏(保鲜)了. 再拿出来微波就好用了. 我没有泡水, 直接用剪刀剪个口子, 五六个放微波2分钟. 拿出来边剥边吃不错, 趁热. 比较干硬. 之前刀还切得动. 冰过后还是剪刀方便(老式尖头剪)

先剥掉外皮, 可以用开水烫过再剥会更简单.
然后放盐水里煮2分钟, 再一个一个拿出来用干毛巾搓. 趁热. 这个剥好后放起来可以做菜. 不要煮太久, 否则一搓就烂.


星期三, 三月 26, 2014

IOS simulator in use

When you try to run app from xcode and see this error

"Simulator in use" 

There are two possibilities.

1. The simulator is running a different app. In this case, quit the app and try again.
2. The xcode thinks simulator is being used whereas it's not. In this case, restart Simulator and Xcode


Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

YuFeng Deng
From YuFeng Deng
Senior software developer at Mcom
Auckland, New Zealand

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- YuFeng

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© 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

星期四, 三月 13, 2014

Extract PPT notes to text file

Open PPT with Power point 2010
go to File -> Save &Send -> Create Handout -> Create Handout -> Notes below slide -> OK
Wait for the new opened doc file to finish covering
Ctrl+A Ctrl+C to copy
open a text editor and paste


星期五, 三月 07, 2014

为什么海盐比较贵? 它更好吗?

之前研究了盐后, 发现, 盐,如果是纯的, 那它们就都只是氯化钠而已。 不管是用什么工艺,从哪里提取的。 

那为什么海盐更贵? 为什么它标版更健康?



除非你就喜欢海水里的杂质(包含矿物质)。 如果都是经过去除杂质的盐, 它们其实是一模一样的。 


打个比方,我把两个一块钱扔大便里和小便里。 你去把它们捡起来。 小便里的就会比大便里的差吗? 不会, 在没洗之前大便里捡起来的可能更臭一点。 但洗干净以后就一样了。 没洗干净有太多残留就不好了。 你不能说大便里的钱更好, 虽然你捡的时候代价大一点。 你也洗得很辛苦。。。我知道。


星期四, 三月 06, 2014


刚买了一包盐, 发现一个有趣的事情

袋子上面有个 daily intake guide

标示着各种东西的含量, 比如糖,脂肪等含量是0。 

最后一个指标 sodium 是 39.22g. 

这里我就纳闷了, sodium 就是盐。 明明整包都是盐, 为什么它说每100克含39克盐? 我去看了下白糖。 发现上面写的糖的含量是 99.9 克, 还有0.1 克杂质。。。这说得过去。

但盐里面不是全是盐还有什么? 除了这 39克, 剩下60克是什么东西?

经我多方调查, 他妈的,这剩下的 60克居然是氯。。。。妈的,敢情这sodium 算的是钠,不是氯化纳。。。。

刚刚查了字典。。。人家 sodium 本来就是钠的意思。。。。


钠的原子序数是11, 氯是17, 所以氯更重

不管是 sea salt , table salt 还是 kosher salt,  钠的含量都是39克。 它们都一样咸。 通常会觉得kosher salt 比较不咸, 是因为它体积大,同样是一勺,因为颗粒间的空隙所以重量更小。 同样重量的话,都是一样咸的。

还有一种钠盐和钾盐混的盐, 这种盐钠就低了。


在新西兰哪里有卖kosher salt?

kosher salt 是美国人的叫法, 也叫 koshering salt. 以区分 犹太人祝福过的盐, 那叫 kosher certified salt. 

在新西兰, 你找不到这个东西


你可以买到一样的东西, 超市里有的 mortons sea salt (coarse), 还有一个 Lotus 牌的, 或者其它一些  rock salt.


1. If you're in Auckland, trek out to Martha's backyard in Mt Wellington. They usually stock 3lb (1.36 kilo) boxes of Morton's certified Kosher Salt, the good stuff, for $8.00

2. You can get real kosher salt for slightly more per kilo online from The Merchant website (http://www.themerchant.co.nz/webapps.../186458/589002).

2. Get non-iodised Marlborough flaky sea salt - it's not quite the same, but it's close and readily available.



生理盐水是 千分之9的盐溶液。

通常用来打点滴的才是无菌的, 其它的也只是盐溶液




4。5克盐, 加 500ML水, 就制成了生理盐水

还有一个配方是 3克盐+1。5克小苏打(碳酸氢纳) 再加 500ML水。具说这样刺激性小一点,不知道是不是真的

看上去很容易, 但这里要考虑一些问题

盐用什么盐, 水用什么水 

盐家家都有, 但家里的盐不太好。 家里的通常是加碘盐, 生理盐水不应该含碘。
不含碘的盐也容易买到, 但还是不够好, 因为通常食盐都会有 anti caking agent, 中文可能叫抗凝素, 就是用来防止结团的。 小苏打就是一种抗凝素, 所以我不知道上面那个加小苏打的配方是不是好。但这个配方是在某个洗鼻器的说明书里的。 通常含碘或抗凝素的生理盐水会产生刺激感。

所以盐要买纯氯化钠, 网上是有卖的, 找

Sodium Chloride

如果你一定要在超市买, 那还有一个好一点的选择是犹太盐, 通常不含碘, 有可能有少量的抗凝素, 但也有不含任何添加剂的犹太盐, 仔细找找。 英文叫 kosher salt.

水的话,凉开水就可以了。 蒸溜水也可以。


纯氯化钠 -》犹太盐 -》 不含碘的盐 -》含碘盐 

关于生盐: 有人说生盐比熟盐好, 因为生盐不含碘, 我不太同意。 生盐是刚提取的盐, 很不纯, 有太多的杂质。 




星期五, 一月 17, 2014



查了一下居然是打 apfl



类似的字还有 靥, 打dddl


提示一下, 真正的多功能键是Z

蔻字我是先用 apfz3 打出来的。


星期三, 一月 01, 2014


对开水把蜂蜜变糖水的说法始终半信半疑. 读了下面这篇博客(评论部分)后, 感觉比较清晰了些.


网上的说法是开水会杀死酶和维生素, 最后变成和糖水一个效果, 更有甚者说会至毒. 这里我就不引用了, 上网查, 直接可以看到很多.

我现在总结如下. 当然不一定是对的.

其一, 开水冲蜂蜜是完全可以的, 不会导致拉肚子什么的, 也就是说, 对人体应该是无害的.
其二, 开水冲蜂蜜的确会杀死一些对人体有益的酶. 会减少一些保健效果. 但可能微乎其微
其三, 蜂蜜不能用金属汤匙变没有科学依据.
其四, 没有实验证明开水会破坏含有UMF的蜂蜜的UMF成份.
其五, 开水对蜂蜜的破坏应该非常限, 因为开水很快会凉下来, 而用水蒸煮蜂蜜就另当别论.
其六, UMF20+ 并不会"太强", 可以放心喝

另外再说一下, 有 ACTIVE *+, 或者 MGO *+ 字眼的蜂蜜变不能表示它比普通蜂蜜有多什么功效, 多多少. 因为这些数字是代表什么并不清楚, 而这些数字是怎么得来的也完全不知道.

UMF 则是一个正规的标识. UMF 10+ 是说它的杀菌效果等同于 10% 的笨酚溶液. (不知道是不是真的,没有找到正规的引用)

不是所有的商家都可以使用UMF标识, 如果你买的蜂蜜有UMF标识却没列在以下网站中, 那你赶紧退货.




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