
星期一, 四月 29, 2019

NodeJS debugger using Google Chrome

I previously use the default node debugger to debug nodejs app. It's working all right, but at some point I still miss the ability to set break point on the fly.

I tried to setup Google chrome as nodejs debugger. But the problem is that my source page of the Google Chrome devtool is always blank.

The reason is that

To use default nodejs debugger, the following command is used

node inspect bin/www

but for chrome, it should be 

node --inspect bin/www

"inspect" is different from "--inspect"


星期六, 四月 27, 2019

[Youtube]【新西兰留学系列】【第四集】语言学校的生活上部 - 邂逅越南妹子,韩国妹子还有俄罗斯妹子

tags: New Zealand,oversea study,新西兰,留学,移民,峰哥  

隔离期间,老师来访, 英文名, homestay 小册子, 英语摸底考
intermediate, 越南妹, 中午时间, computer lab , 上海妹子
同学住进同一个homestay, 蹭车上学, 不再蹭
三周后, upper intermediate, 刚及格,学校续签
换了同学, 跟同学开始熟起来,不只是中国人
俄罗斯抽烟的妹子, 鼻环, 太妹? NO NO NO
摔倒, 不知道ACC, 没有看医生, 同学的创可贴
homestay 降价, 没有电脑, 吉它, home father 是音乐人, 帮买吉它
出去住后, 室友买车, 单车被偷,恶房东,融化的冰淇淋,凶我,忍无可忍,搬家
碰到我老婆,当时只是住在一个房子里, 室友都不算, 我住进去的当天, 她正好要回国, 借插座,加QQ,QQ聊天,室友的车 接回来
升advance - 第一次考雅思 5 分, 不够上预科,
预科报名, 材料不足,华人招生,让我报上了, 参加预科英语考试,过了,签证
advance 没能顺利毕业, 最后的调查论文失败, 不影响读预科

系列由在新西兰留学生活了16年的峰哥出品。 峰哥在新西兰留学到工作的签证都由自己操办。后来还办过亲友旅游,父母移民,配偶团聚等签证。 峰哥还办过美国,加拿大,马来西兰等地的旅游签。 对新西兰留学,生活,签证都有丰富的经验。 在此峰哥把自己宝贵的经验分享给大家, 希望对有兴趣留学移民的朋友能有所启发。  


本频道旨在分享生活中各种小技巧, 如用小米盒子看国内视频, 如何使用KODI看电影等等. 同时我也会分享一些编程的教程, 如编写Telegram机器人, 建站等。 点击进入我的频道: goo.gl/5tyxcf

🔷 订阅我的频道: goo.gl/KuF3bY
🔷 telegram电报群: t.me/fengsharegroup
🔷 我的博客: www.dengnz.com/blog
🔷 Facebook: www.facebook.com/fengnz

觉得我的视频对你帮助很大的话, 请我喝杯咖啡吧
微信赞赏码: goo.gl/uKoE8w


星期二, 四月 23, 2019

[youtube][新西兰生活VLOG]复活节溜娃大作战,旋转茶杯,龙舟,旋转木马, 剪羊毛比赛,跑马比赛,农场动物亲密接触,摩托飞车(上半部)

tags: 新西兰,复活节,溜娃,峰哥,农场动物,摩托飞车,游乐场,旋转木马

复活节四天的长周末,天天都在玩,玩得我精疲力尽, 周六是最累的一天, 带小朋友去ASB Showground 玩了一整天,累趴。 不过节目真的不少。旋转茶杯,龙舟,旋转木马, 剪羊毛比赛,跑马比赛,农场动物亲密接触,各种动物都见到啦,大部分还摸到啦, 有猪牛羊,鸡,马,草泥马(羊驼),山羊,驴子等等, 最后还有摩托飞车表演。 小朋友表示非常开心。 因为视频实在太长了, 所以就分成上下两部分来发布了。


本频道旨在分享生活中各种小技巧, 如用小米盒子看国内视频, 如何使用KODI看电影等等. 同时我也会分享一些编程的教程, 如编写Telegram机器人, 建站等。 点击进入我的频道: goo.gl/5tyxcf

🔷 订阅我的频道: goo.gl/KuF3bY
🔷 telegram电报群: t.me/fengsharegroup
🔷 我的博客: www.dengnz.com/blog
🔷 Facebook: www.facebook.com/fengnz

觉得我的视频对你帮助很大的话, 请我喝杯咖啡吧
微信赞赏码: goo.gl/uKoE8w

星期五, 四月 19, 2019


tags: 新西兰,996, 峰哥



不管有没有,强制是不对的, 应该是可选的

八仙过海, 各显神通磨时间
这个到底是奋斗还是剥削? 都不是,就是浪费时间

有些做完996成长迅速自己当老板的不是没有, 但是不要这是个例, 用这些人当榜样还鼓励人我觉得就是一种诈骗, 比耸踊人买彩票还可恶

新西兰有没有996, 不敢肯定的说没有,不过我是没见过,连听都没听过
加班工资1.5 倍
其它时间,看youtube , 打台球,打乒乓球,玩console game。。。有人中午出去键身,游泳,蒸桑拿,下午2,3点才回来,而且这些东西都是公司提供的
周五下午三点后, 基本没人在上班, 公认社交时间, 公司一般提供饮料,啤酒, 大家开始吹水

大公司养闲人,没项目的时候也不敢放人, 空养  

我不是说这些就是好的文化,只是陈述一下事实, 让大家了解一下。



本频道旨在分享生活中各种小技巧, 如用小米盒子看国内视频, 如何使用KODI看电影等等. 同时我也会分享一些编程的教程, 如编写Telegram机器人, 建站等。 点击进入我的频道: goo.gl/5tyxcf

🔷 订阅我的频道: goo.gl/KuF3bY
🔷 telegram电报群: t.me/fengsharegroup
🔷 我的博客: www.dengnz.com/blog
🔷 Facebook: www.facebook.com/fengnz

觉得我的视频对你帮助很大的话, 请我喝杯咖啡吧
微信赞赏码: goo.gl/uKoE8w

星期六, 四月 13, 2019


tags: New Zealand,oversea study,新西兰,留学,移民,峰哥  

本视频 是峰哥《新西兰留学系列》的第二集, 本集主要讲了在异国落地后会碰到的困难,主要讲了峰哥本人的一些经历。

系列由在新西兰留学生活了16年的峰哥出品。 峰哥在新西兰留学到工作的签证都由自己操办。后来还办过亲友旅游,父母移民,配偶团聚等签证。 峰哥还办过美国,加拿大,马来西兰等地的旅游签。 对新西兰留学,生活,签证都有丰富的经验。 在此峰哥把自己宝贵的经验分享给大家, 希望对有兴趣留学移民的朋友能有所启发。  


本频道旨在分享生活中各种小技巧, 如用小米盒子看国内视频, 如何使用KODI看电影等等. 同时我也会分享一些编程的教程, 如编写Telegram机器人, 建站等。 点击进入我的频道: goo.gl/5tyxcf

🔷 订阅我的频道: goo.gl/KuF3bY
🔷 telegram电报群: t.me/fengsharegroup
🔷 我的博客: www.dengnz.com/blog
🔷 Facebook: www.facebook.com/fengnz

觉得我的视频对你帮助很大的话, 请我喝杯咖啡吧
微信赞赏码: goo.gl/uKoE8w

星期四, 四月 11, 2019

[Youtube]【新西兰留学系列】【第二集】如何办理学生签证 - 新西兰学生签证难不难办?

tags: New Zealand,oversea study,新西兰,留学,移民,峰哥  

本视频 是峰哥《新西兰留学系列》的第二集, 本集主要介绍了办理新西兰学生签证要注意的地方, 解析了为什么会被 拒签, 还有如果拿到录取通知书的办法

系列由在新西兰留学生活了16年的峰哥出品。 峰哥在新西兰留学到工作的签证都由自己操办。后来还办过亲友旅游,父母移民,配偶团聚等签证。 峰哥还办过美国,加拿大,马来西兰等地的旅游签。 对新西兰留学,生活,签证都有丰富的经验。 在此峰哥把自己宝贵的经验分享给大家, 希望对有兴趣留学移民的朋友能有所启发。  


福利好,医疗,ACC, 教育
父母移民容易 (以前, 也许以后)
华人多,华人社区多,华人超市 也多生活交友容易 
环境好,空气好,地面干净,车不用常洗, 风景好


本频道旨在分享生活中各种小技巧, 如用小米盒子看国内视频, 如何使用KODI看电影等等. 同时我也会分享一些编程的教程, 如编写Telegram机器人, 建站等。 点击进入我的频道: goo.gl/5tyxcf

🔷 订阅我的频道: goo.gl/KuF3bY
🔷 telegram电报群: t.me/fengsharegroup
🔷 我的博客: www.dengnz.com/blog
🔷 Facebook: www.facebook.com/fengnz

觉得我的视频对你帮助很大的话, 请我喝杯咖啡吧
微信赞赏码: goo.gl/uKoE8w

星期二, 四月 09, 2019

BYO Bring your own router, can I use the router from previous ISP In New Zealand?

Short answer: Yes

Long answer:

In most of the case, you can.  

I recently moved from Spark to Stuff-Fibre and I kept use the router from Spark. It worked. The only thing that I need to do is restarting the router. Nothing else. 

I was worried about this as I asked Stuff-fibre not to send me the router and I didn't know whether the privious one would work. Because the Spark router may be restricted to only work for Spark.

For the exactly same service, Spark charged me for $105, with the new company, on average, I pay $64 a month. I regret that I didn't do this earlier.  I couldn't remember the previous speed. But the following speed is more than enough for me.

The router came with Spark is HG659b. It supports ADSL, VDSL and fibre.  My previous plan with Spark was Fibre, I switch to Stuff-Fibre with the same level Fibre plan.

Note that I have to write to Stuff-fibre by email to cancel the route delivery, otherwise, I have to pay for the delivery fee. And the router is rent from them, I have to give it back after the 12 month contract. It seems there were some communication issue on their end. I still received a router, and they said that they will send me a prepaid post bag to ship it back. And my account is not charged for the delivery fee.

One problem with Stuff-Fibre is that I cannot find my home address in their system. Although I can manually enter my home address from they main page, but I prefer to use broadbandcompare website to buy the service, as I can get 3 months free rather than 2 months free.  But this cannot be done as I cannot find my home address. I had to write to them before go further.  Eventually, I did the process from their website with a wrong address (oh, I forgot to manually enter). Then they correct the promo code and address from their side.

It's a great buy so far.

星期一, 四月 08, 2019

Text Editor anywhere - Edit any text field in a browser from any external editor

I found a quite interesting software.

This is a stand-along software rather than a browser extension.

You can download it here.

Once install and run, you can set a hotkey for it and add your own editor.

Then within a text field in browser, press the hotkey. 

A dropdown will be shown, you can select the editors from here by pressing the hotkey again.

Then, you can edit your text in your favorite editor. Once you save the text in your editor, it will be synced to the browser.

Quite a useful feature for me, as I do frequently copy text from browser to VIM and paste it back after editing.

星期日, 四月 07, 2019

SBT dependency download problem

When run SBT, none of the dependencies can be downloaded.

I got this error:

Server access Error: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target url=  

The reason is that the HTTP client used by JAVA doesn't trust any HTTPS certificate. You have to add all the certificates to the trustStore. 


Instead of adding many certificates. I only added fiddler's certificate. This is a easier way to do it. I enable SSL decryption on my Fiddler (windows). This will make fiddler to resign all the packets. Then I export fiddler's root certificate to the desktop.

Use the following command to generate a keystore file.

keytool -import -file %userprofile%\Desktop\FiddlerRoot.cer -keystore FiddlerKeystore -alias Fiddler

I then copy this keystore file to the project folder.

Set the SBT_OPTS environment as below.

export SBT_OPTS="$SBT_OPTS -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8888 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/Users/fengnz/FiddlerKeystore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=Youpassword"  

Then run sbt command again, the problem resolved. 

And I can see all the downloading from Fiddler too.


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