
星期五, 五月 16, 2008

nant 编译 sln 失败

没成功, 错误

            The SDK for the 'net-2.0' framework is not available or not configured.

看来是一定要装 sdk 了, 只有framework 2.0 嘻嘻. 以前用csc编译一些简单的程序没问题.(以前assignment都是用这个环境凑和出来的).

查了下 sdk和framework的区别.网上居然说sdk只是多了文档,昏. 不过这句话挺有用,说明resx文件需要sdk,所以我得装了.
The reason why other NAnt examples might work fine, is because they don't
require the SDK to be installed. The <solution> task requires the SDK to
compiles resx files, import type libraries, ....



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